Bars & Restaurants for
Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum

Heinold's First and Last Chance Saloon

Heinold's First and Last Chance Saloon

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Jack London Square, 48 Webster St, Oakland, CA 94607
5.4 miles
to the ballpark
Cocktails & beer
Opened in 1884, grabbing a drink transports you back in time with the ambience and the decor. The slanted floor makes you feel a little tipsy even before buying your first drink.

Additional Bars & Restaurants

Drake's Barrell House
4.0 miles
to the ballpark
Tasting room in a large warehouse serving up Drake's beers and standard pub-fare.

DrakesDealership /

Drake's Dealership
7.1 miles
to the ballpark
Housed in an old Dodge dealership, this beer garden serves up tasty Drake's beer plus wood-fired pizza and more.
5.5 miles
to the ballpark
Indoor/outdoor venue with bocce ball, a beer garden, a bowling alley and more.
Heinold's First and Last Chance Saloon
5.4 miles
to the ballpark
Opened in 1884, grabbing a drink transports you back in time with the ambience and the decor. The slanted floor makes you feel a little tipsy even before buying your first drink.